Batman & the Outsiders 3: The Demon's Fire

Outsideri budú musieť prekonať svoje nedostatky, ambície a neistotu, aby zabránili Ra's al Ghulovi v jeho plánoch! Zistite, či dokážu vyhrať v komikse, ktorý vás pohltí.

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Kód: 9781779506962
14,99 €
Batman & the Outsiders 3: The Demon's Fire
batman the outsiders 3 the demon s fire 9781779506962

O komikse v slovenčine:

Ra's al Ghul stratil všetko. Ligu Assassinov, moc... Dokonca aj svoju rodinu. Zostala mu len jeho misia: ohnúť svet k svojej vôli a zachrániť ho pred ním samým. Teraz je hrozivejší ako kedykoľvek predtým a jeho porážka si vyžiada spojené sily celého tímu Outsiders!

No Outsiders zďaleka nie sú jednotní.

Black Lightning prekračuje limity svojich schopností, aby Batmanovi dokázal, že jeho potenciál je nekonečný.

Katana sa snaží zachrániť duše Orphan a Signala pred zvodmi bezohľadnej Lady Shivy, ktorá sa momentálne hrá na dobrú, no Katana vidí jasne cez jej klamstvá.

Outsiders budú musieť prekonať svoje nedostatky, ambície a neistoty, aby zastavili Ra'sa al Ghula pred použitím zariadenia, ktoré sľubuje zmeniť mocenskú rovnováhu v celom DC vesmíre!

Zistite, či na to majú dosť síl v Batman & the Outsiders 3: The Demon's Fire, epickom závere kriticky uznávanej série scenáristu Bryana Hilla (Wildstorm: Michael Cray, TV Titans) a umelca Dextera Soy (Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Hush, Red Hood and the Outlaws). Zbierka obsahuje komiksy Batman and the Outsiders #13-17.


O komikse v angličtine:

The reign of Ra's al Ghul!

Ra's al Ghul has had everything taken away from him. His League of Assassins, his power...even his family. All he has left is his mission to bend the world to his will and save it from itself. He's more dangerous than ever,and it'll take the combined might of the Outsiders team to take him down!

But the Outsiders are far from all together.

Black Lightning is pushing his powers to their limits and trying to show Batman that his potential has no limit.

Katana is trying to save Orphan's and Signal's souls from the allure of the ruthless Lady Shiva—who is acting benevolent for the moment, but Katana can see through her ruse.

The Outsiders will have to overcome their shortcomings, ambitions, and insecurities in order to stop Ra's al Ghul from using a device tha t promises to change the balance of power in the entire DCU!

Find out if they have what it takes to win in Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 3: The Demon's Fire—the epic conclusion to the critically acclaimed series from writer Bryan Hill (Wildstorm: Michael Cray, TV's Titans) and artist Dexter Soy (Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Hush, Red Hood and the Outlaws). Collects Batman and the Outsiders #13-17.

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: DC komiks
Superhrdina, Séria: Batman
Autor: Bryan Hill
Kresba: Dexter Soy
Počet strán: 144
Prevedenie: Brožovaná väzba
Rozmer: cca 168 x 259 x 10 mm
Jazyk: po anglicky
Rok vydania: 2021
ISBN: 9781779506962

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