Batman Detective Comics 5: The Joker War
Joker, večný Batmanov nepriateľ vie kedy udrieť. A v tomto komikse Batman Detective Comics 5: The Joker War udrie naozaj tvrdo. Začítajte sa do napínavého príbehu!
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O komikse v slovenčine:
Joker rozpútava vojnu proti Batmanovi a použije proti nemu všetkých duchov z jeho minulosti! Kým sa Bat-Family spamätáva z nedávnej straty Alfreda Pennywortha, nikto nemá z tohto úmrtia horší pocit ako Bruce Wayne. Alfred nebol len priateľom a spolupracovníkom Gothamovho obľúbeného syna, bol pre Brucea otcovskou figúrou a mentorom... a jeho strata zanechala temného detektíva zraneného.
Joker vie, že teraz je čas udrieť - a udrieť tvrdo.
Princ Zločinu vypustil vlnu priateľov, nepriateľov a minulých prehier, aby zaútočil na Gothamovho ochrancu zvnútra. Prvým na rade je Harvey Dent, alias Two-Face, ktorého násilné impulzy Joker zosilnil do novej smrtiacnej úrovne - a na Gotham City vypustil skupinu fanatikov známych ako "Church of the Two"! Ale to nie je všetko - Lincoln March, Lucius Fox, Killer Croc a mnohí ďalší sa posúvajú po Jokerovom šachovnicovom poli, aby Batmana nadobro pochovali. Povstane Temný rytier? Alebo sa utopí v jeho smiechu?
O komikse v angličtine:
The many faces of war...
The Joker is waging a war on Batman, and he’s going to use every ghost from the Dark Knight’s past to win! As the Bat- Family reels from the recent loss of Alfred Pennyworth, no one has taken this death harder than Bruce Wayne. Alfred wasn’t just a friend and partner to Gotham’s favorite son; he was a father figure and a mentor to Bruce…and the loss has left the dark detective wounded.
The Joker knows that now is the time to strike—and strike hard.
The Clown Prince of Crime has unleashed a wave of friends, foes, and failures to attack Gotham’s protector from the inside out. First up is Harvey Dent, a.k.a. Two-Face, whose violent impulses have been amplified to deadly new heights by the Joker—unleashing a cadre of zealots known as the Church of the Two on Gotham City! But that’s not all—Lincoln March, Lucius Fox, Killer Croc, and countless more have been moved around the Joker’s diabolical chessboard to bury the Bat once and for all. Will the Dark Knight rise? Or be drowned in laughter?
This intensely personal volume of the Joker War collects Detective Comics #1020-1026, Detective Comics Annual #3, Batman: Pennyworth R.I.P., and a special Joker War tale from Detective Comics #1027. Seminal Batman scribe PETER J. TOMASI (Batman and Robin, Super Sons) is joined by Eisner Award winning writer MARIKO TAMAKI (Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass) and the Joker War architect JAMES TYNION IV (Batman, Detective Comics) as well as artists BRAD WALKER (Aquaman), KENNETH ROCAFORT (Red Hood and the Outlaws), EDDY BARROWS (Detective Comics), EDUARDO RISSO (100 Bullets), and more!
Ďalšie vlastnosti
Kategória: | DC komiks |
Superhrdina, Séria: | Batman |
Autor: | Peter J. Tomasi |
Kresba: | Brad Walker |
Počet strán: | 256 |
Prevedenie: | Pevná väzba |
Rozmer: | cca 168 x 259 x 20 mm |
Jazyk: | po anglicky |
Rok vydania: | 2021 |
ISBN: | 9781779509222 |
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