V for Vendetta 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition

Autor: Alan Moore

Dostupnosť Ihneď (3 ks)
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Kód: 9781401285005
49,99 € –5 % 47,49 €
V for Vendetta 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition
V for Vendetta 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition
49,99 € –5 %

O komikse:

A frightening tale of the loss of freedom and identity in a chillingly believable totalitarian world, V for Vendetta stands as one of the highest achievements of the comics medium and a defining work for creators Alan Moore and David Lloyd.

Set in an imagined future England that has given itself over to fascism, this groundbreaking story captures both the suffocating nature of life in an authoritarian police state and the redemptive power of the human spirit that rebels against it. Crafted with sterling clarity and intelligence, V for Vendetta brings an unequaled depth of characterization and verisimilitude to its unflinching account of oppression and resistance.

V for Vendetta 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition collects DC Comics' original 10-issue series in its entirety, including the "bridging" pages colored by David Lloyd, which originally ran between the issues' story pages. This deluxe volume also includes Lloyd's and Moore's introductions to the series as well as Moore's extended history of its creation, "Behind the Painted Smile," and an expanded sketchbook section by Lloyd.

Collects V for Vendetta #1-10.

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: KOMIKSY
Superhrdina, Séria: V for Vendetta
Autor: Alan Moore
Kresba: David Lloyd
Počet strán: 396
Prevedenie: Pevná väzba
Rozmer: cca 168 x 259 x 23 mm
Jazyk: po anglicky
Rok vydania: 2018
ISBN: 9781401285005

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